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What Is Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder (ANSD)?

The ear collects sounds from its surroundings and converts them into messages that the brain can understand. However, these messages can become jumbled at times. Other times, the sounds do not make it to the brain. This is known as an auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD), says an expert of hearing aids in Kolkata.

Children with ANSD may: 

  • Have trouble differentiating one sound from another
  • Not understand speech clearly
  • Hear sounds that fade in and out
  • Seem as though their hearing changes

The good news is that with the help of medical devices, therapy and visual communication techniques, children with ANSD can develop their communication skills.

What Causes ANSD?

Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder occurs when the hearing (auditory) nerve is damaged somehow. This is the connection between the cochlea (which converts sounds into messages) and the brain, says a specialist of hearing machine in Kolkata.

Children born prematurely or have an ANSD family member are more likely to have it. Other than this some children can also suffer from this condition who: 

• Had severe jaundice at birth; 

• Had low oxygen before or after birth; 

• Received certain medicines that can cause damage to the inner ear or hearing nerve; or

• Have genetic or neurologic conditions

• Suffered a head injury

What Are the ANSD Signs and Symptoms?

ANSD symptoms can appear at any age, but most children are born with it. The hearing loss can range from mild to severe. Some children hear sounds normally but have difficulty understanding speech clearly, says the expert of best ear machine in Kolkata.

Even if a child passes a hearing screening, hearing issues may develop later in life. Consult an audiologist if your child does not reach these hearing milestones in the first year of life:

• Startling to sudden loud noises for newborns.

• Recognizing a parent’s voice by 3 months.

• By 6 months, turning the head or eyes toward a new sound and repeating sounds.

• By 12 months, they are babbling, responding to their name, imitating words and saying a few words like “mama” or “bye-bye.”

As the child with ANSD grows older, the following symptoms of hearing loss may appear:

• Limited, ambiguous, or non-existent speech

• Failing to pay attention or follow directions 

• Failing to respond to conversation-level speech or responding inappropriately 

• Becoming frustrated when there is a lot of background noise 

• Requiring a higher TV volume 

• Learning difficulties

Contact Hearing Plus, a centre of hearing aids in Kolkata, if your child suffers from hearing loss.