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Importance of hearing aid fittings: Says hearing aid centre expert

Importance of hearing aid fittings: Says hearing aid centre expert

A hearing aid fitting is a process that involves adjusting the hearing aid to the needs of the patient. This includes selecting the appropriate hearing aid style, programming the device to match the patient’s hearing loss and fine-tuning the settings for optimal sound quality and comfort.

If your hearing aid does not fit you properly, it can lead to various issues. For instance, an ill-fitting hearing aid can cause discomfort, pain and poor sound quality. In some cases, a poorly fitting hearing aid may even cause feedback (whistling sounds). Therefore, it’s essential to get your hearing aid fitted by an audiologist at a hearing aid centre who will adjust the device to fit your ear canal’s shape and size. 

Importance of properly fitting hearing aids for better hearing

Here are some points to explain why a hearing aid fitting is necessary whenever buy hearing aids from an ear machine centre.

Customization: A hearing aid fitting ensures that the device is customized to your hearing needs.

Maximum comfort: A hearing aid fitting also ensures that the machine fits your ear canal’s shape and size, providing maximum comfort and minimizing the risk of discomfort, pain and irritation.

Optimal sound quality: Moreover, fitting of a hearing aid is necessary so that it is able to provide the best sound quality for your hearing loss which can improve speech clarity and reduce background noise.

Compatibility: A hearing aid fitting makes sure that your device is compatible with other assistive listening devices or technology that you may use, such as telecoils or Bluetooth connectivity.

Better hearing outcomes: Audiologists of the hearing aids centre in Kolkata ensures that your hearing machine fits you well for better hearing outcomes such as improved communication, increased social interaction and enhanced quality of life.

The process of fitting hearing aids

During a hearing aid fitting, an audiologist of a hearing aid centre will perform the following steps:

Assessment: Your audiologist will review your hearing test results and discuss your hearing needs. 

Selection: Based on the assessment, they will recommend hearing aids that are suitable according to your lifestyle and budget. 

Programming: The hearing aids will then be programmed by the audiologist.

Fitting: Finally, they will adjust the hearing aids to ensure that they fit comfortably and securely in your ears.

Follow-up: The audiologist will explain how to use the hearing aid, keep it safe from moisture and other maintenance issues. Hence, it is important to schedule a follow-up appointment to ensure that the hearing aids are functioning properly and meeting your needs.


So, before purchasing hearing aids, make sure that it fits you well for better hearing ability.

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