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The holiday season can be an excellent time to reconnect with family and friends, says the expert of a well-known hearing aid clinic in Kolkata.

But what if you have hearing loss? There are sometimes numerous individuals speaking at the same time at holiday events, in addition to the sounds of music, restaurant talk, or televisions blaring. Even those with great hearing may struggle to grasp a conversation.

The holiday season can be especially alienating for people with hearing aids, but it doesn’t have to be. By following appropriate tips you can enjoy the holidays with your loved ones.

Pick the right location

Follow these tips to help you choose the best spot for your hearing purposes, says the expert of hearing machines in Kolkata.

• Try to avoid areas with a lot of noise. Request a seat away from the kitchen or bar when dining out.

• Make an effort to reconnect with loved ones through one-on-one interactions. There’s nothing wrong with looking for a quieter area in the corridor or outside to catch every word.

• When selecting a seat, try to choose one in an area with sufficient lighting so you can see people’s faces and read their lips.

•Your loved ones can also sit strategically to assist you in hearing. If you have one-sided hearing loss, ask them to sit next to the stronger ear.

Allow your hearing aids to assist you

The most recent hearing aids are intended for complicated hearing situations, such as parties, where noise from various sources is present, says the expert of the ear machine clinic in Kolkata. These innovative technologies will allow you to hear what you want to hear, even in noisy environments.

Before you go out, experiment with different settings to see what works best for you in particularly noisy locations. 

Have a wonderful vacation!

As a person with hearing loss, going to holidays can be stressful. 

Don’t let your hearing loss prevent you from spending quality time with your friends and family. Take it easy on yourself, especially if you just got new hearing aids

New hearing aids can be challenging to adjust, so give your brain a break and re-energize when you sense lethargy creeping in. If you have difficulty listening to numerous individuals, concentrate on the people closest to you. 

Smaller, quieter gatherings can also be beneficial. Remember that it is also your holiday. Don’t allow a fun social event to turn into a test of endurance, says the expert of Hearing Plus, a well-known hearing aid clinic in Kolkata.