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Most people are accustomed to getting regular health checkups like vision, dental, blood and heart as a part of their medical routine. But very few pay attention to their hearing ability and undergo a hearing test. Some of us are negligent in getting our hearing tested, whereas others are unaware of how often they should get a hearing test done, says experts of a hearing aid centre in Kolkata.

So let’s know how frequently you should do hearing tests to detect any symptoms of hearing loss and begin treatment accordingly. 

How frequently should you have your hearing tested? 

In most hospitals, newborns and children are routinely screened for hearing impairment. But how often should adults undergo hearing tests? The American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA) states that adults aged between 18- 40 years are advised to get their hearing test done every three to five years even if they don’t experience any symptoms of hearing loss. 

According to the opinion of a reputed audiologist at a hearing aid clinic in Kolkata, the below group of people should screen their hearing frequently. 

  • Aged people: Age-related hearing loss or presbycusis is common in older patients. On average one out of three older patients experience hearing loss. With age, hair cells in the inner ear get damaged, gradually affecting their ability to hear high-frequency sounds. They hear speech but fail to get what’s being said. With time hearing loss increases, also affecting speech. Hence, if you are above 60 years, you should get your hearing tested once a year even if you don’t experience hearing loss. 
  • People working in noisy environments: Noise-induced hearing loss is prevalent in people exposed to loud noise. Loud noise results in damage to the inner ear. So, if you are exposed to sound at more than 85 dB for more than 8 hours or at over 91 dB for more than 2 hours every day, it can cause permanent damage to your ear, stated audiologists of hearing aids clinics. Hence you are advised to get a hearing screening done after six months or one year. 
  • People with hearing impairment: If you have hearing difficulties and wear hearing aids, it is important to screen your hearing loss on a regular basis. Hearing issues in hearing-impaired patients change over time. Hence it is important to get your hearing screened frequently.

It is important to detect your hearing loss early to prevent further hearing deterioration. So if you fall in the above group of people, it is advisable to consult an audiologist and get your hearing screened as required. 

If your audiologist finds any signs of hearing loss, you will be recommended hearing aids or other medical treatments according to your hearing issues. 

Patient review 

Here is one patient sharing his view at Hearing Plus

“Service is good. Choose digital hearing aid as the sound quality is more better. Good service with good demonstration. Thank you for your valuable service.”
