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Hearing aid batteries (non-rechargeable) usually last between 7-10 days. Fortunately, there are certain ways you may employ to improve their battery life, says an expert of Hearing Plus, a well-known hearing aid center in Siliguri.

Make the Most of Your Hearing Aid Batteries by Following These Simple Guidelines

Properly store batteries

The most effective approach to get the most out of your hearing aid batteries and make them last longer is when storing them make sure they’re in a cool, dry area away from heat and moisture.

Remove the tab only when you’re ready to use them.

Many hearing aids employ a type of battery known as a zinc-air battery. Each one has a plastic tab that covers tiny holes on the battery’s top. Air enters the perforations once the tab is removed, activating the zinc. When this occurs, the battery becomes active and the power begins to drain. As a result, you should only lift the tab if you want to use the battery right away.

Keep the Battery Door Open

Keep your hearing aid’s battery door open at night to allow the batteries to breathe, says the expert of the hearing aid clinic in Siliguri. This allows moisture to escape, preventing corrosion and extending the battery’s life. 

Maintain the cleanliness of your hearing aids

Make sure to clean your hearing aid regularly to help it operate properly. A dirty battery compartment might cause excessive moisture and corrosion. Keeping your hearing aid clean will also guarantee that it works to its full capacity, says the expert of the hearing aid center in Siliguri.

Read the Instructions

If you’re still having difficulties getting the most out of your hearing aid batteries, read the handbook that came with your device. Most hearing aids now include a built-in battery tester. The battery tester will show green if a hearing aid is working properly. If the tester displays pink or red, it’s time to replace the batteries.


The key to maximize your hearing aid battery’s life is to replace them when necessary. If you can’t hear with your hearing aids properly, probably it’s time to replace your batteries. It’s also a good idea to check your batteries if you notice any changes in sound quality or sound volume. Attempting to extend the life of your hearing aid batteries by following the above mentioned steps will let you use your hearing aids to its full capacity without it becoming a financial strain, says the expert of Hearing Plus, the hearing aid clinic in Siliguri.