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What causes conductive hearing loss and how is it treated?

What causes conductive hearing loss and how is it treated?

One’s hearing ability depends on the proper functioning of the ear’s three main parts: the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. If you face any trouble in the outer or middle ear, it can lead to conductive hearing loss, affecting the ability to hear soft or low-volume sounds. Expert audiologists from the best hearing aids clinic discuss everything in detail about conductive hearing loss, including its symptoms, causes and treatment options. Read on to know more:

What is Conductive Hearing Loss? 

Conductive hearing loss occurs when a blockage or damage to the outer or middle ear prevents sound waves from reaching the inner ear. This causes trouble in hearing soft sounds and affects auditory perception.

Symptoms of Conductive Hearing Loss

 People with Conductive Hearing Loss often struggle to hear sounds at low volumes. They may frequently increase the volume of their devices such as headphones or speakers. Other symptoms include sudden hearing loss, ear pain, dizziness or fluid drainage from the ear.

Causes of Conductive Hearing Loss

Multiple factors contribute to conductive hearing loss. Issues in the outer ear include foreign objects, earwax buildup, infections, fluid accumulation or structural abnormalities.

Diagnosis of Conductive Hearing Loss:

 An Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist or an expert audiologist usually diagnoses conductive hearing loss. They conduct a thorough examination, including a hearing test called an audiogram. Additional tests like tympanometry, acoustic reflex tests and imaging scans are necessary to determine the exact cause of conductive hearing loss.

Treatment Options

  • Removal of earwax or foreign objects which are blocking the ear canal.
  • Administration of antibiotics to clear up ear infections.
  • Utilization of hearing aids to amplify sounds and improve hearing.
  • Surgical procedures to repair damage to the ear structures or remove growths.
  • Consideration of implantable hearing devices for long-term management.

 Risk Factors

Some factors increase the risk of developing conductive hearing loss such as frequent ear infections, improper ear cleaning practices and exposure to moisture or outdoor activities.

A Positive Outlook

The prognosis for conductive hearing loss depends on an individual’s medical history, cause of conductive hearing and its severity. Temporary issues are often resolved with appropriate treatment, while chronic conditions may require long-term management with assistive listening devices such as FM Systems or wireless headphones. Audiologists effectively manage conductive hearing loss through early and accurate diagnosis to improve the quality of life for individuals suffering from this condition.


 Conductive hearing loss impacts daily life but it’s often manageable with proper treatment. Individuals must proactively address conductive hearing loss and regain auditory function. They must understand its causes, symptoms and available treatments and seek prompt medical help from the audiologists of the  best hearing aids clinic  for effective management and auditory well-being.



Hearing aids for seniors play a crucial role in enhancing the auditory experience and improving the overall quality of life. As individuals age, it’s not uncommon to experience a decline in hearing abilities due to various factors, such as exposure to loud noises, genetic predisposition, or simply the natural aging process. Fortunately, hearing aids are advanced devices designed to address these issues and empower seniors to stay connected with the world around them.

Understanding the Need:

  1. Widespread presence of Hearing Loss: It’s crucial to realise that hearing loss is a general issue among elders, more or less one in three people between the ages of 65 and 74 have hearing loss.
  1. Impact on Quality of Life: Hearing loss can significantly impact the overall quality of life for seniors. It may lead to social isolation, communication challenges, and even cognitive decline. Addressing these issues promptly is crucial for maintaining mental and emotional well-being.

The Role of Hearing Aids:

  1. Technological Advancements: Modern hearing aids are equipped with cutting-edge technology. They come with features such as digital signal processing, adaptive noise reduction and Bluetooth connectivity. These features contribute to a more genuine and customised listening experience.
  1. Customization for Individual Needs: Hearing aids are not one-size-fits-all. Audiologists work to customize the devices based on their unique hearing profiles and preferences. This ensures that the hearing aids effectively address specific types and degrees of hearing loss.
  1. Improving Social Connections: One of the significant benefits of hearing aids is the improvement in social connections. Seniors can actively engage in conversations, participate in social events, and connect with loved ones, fostering a sense of belonging and reducing feelings of isolation.


In conclusion, hearing aids for seniors are powerful tools that go beyond addressing hearing loss; they contribute to more vibrant, connected, and fulfilling life. By embracing the advancements in hearing aid technology and overcoming any hesitations, seniors can enjoy improved communication, social engagement, and a renewed sense of well-being. It’s a small device that can make a big difference in the lives of our senior population, allowing them to continue enjoying the sounds of life.

Importance of hearing aid fittings: Says hearing aid centre expert

Importance of hearing aid fittings: Says hearing aid centre expert

A hearing aid fitting is a process that involves adjusting the hearing aid to the needs of the patient. This includes selecting the appropriate hearing aid style, programming the device to match the patient’s hearing loss and fine-tuning the settings for optimal sound quality and comfort.

If your hearing aid does not fit you properly, it can lead to various issues. For instance, an ill-fitting hearing aid can cause discomfort, pain and poor sound quality. In some cases, a poorly fitting hearing aid may even cause feedback (whistling sounds). Therefore, it’s essential to get your hearing aid fitted by an audiologist at a hearing aid centre who will adjust the device to fit your ear canal’s shape and size. 

Importance of properly fitting hearing aids for better hearing

Here are some points to explain why a hearing aid fitting is necessary whenever buy hearing aids from an ear machine centre.

Customization: A hearing aid fitting ensures that the device is customized to your hearing needs.

Maximum comfort: A hearing aid fitting also ensures that the machine fits your ear canal’s shape and size, providing maximum comfort and minimizing the risk of discomfort, pain and irritation.

Optimal sound quality: Moreover, fitting of a hearing aid is necessary so that it is able to provide the best sound quality for your hearing loss which can improve speech clarity and reduce background noise.

Compatibility: A hearing aid fitting makes sure that your device is compatible with other assistive listening devices or technology that you may use, such as telecoils or Bluetooth connectivity.

Better hearing outcomes: Audiologists of the hearing aids centre in Kolkata ensures that your hearing machine fits you well for better hearing outcomes such as improved communication, increased social interaction and enhanced quality of life.

The process of fitting hearing aids

During a hearing aid fitting, an audiologist of a hearing aid centre will perform the following steps:

Assessment: Your audiologist will review your hearing test results and discuss your hearing needs. 

Selection: Based on the assessment, they will recommend hearing aids that are suitable according to your lifestyle and budget. 

Programming: The hearing aids will then be programmed by the audiologist.

Fitting: Finally, they will adjust the hearing aids to ensure that they fit comfortably and securely in your ears.

Follow-up: The audiologist will explain how to use the hearing aid, keep it safe from moisture and other maintenance issues. Hence, it is important to schedule a follow-up appointment to ensure that the hearing aids are functioning properly and meeting your needs.


So, before purchasing hearing aids, make sure that it fits you well for better hearing ability.

Patient Review

“Doctors and staff are friendly and helpful. Overall good experience.”

  • Srijan Acharya
Things to know before starting your hearing aid trial

Things to know before starting your hearing aid trial

hearing aid trial is a method by which a patient with hearing loss tests and evaluates different types of hearing aids to find the best solution for their needs. The trial typically involves consulting a qualified audiologist who will conduct a thorough hearing assessment, discuss the available options and recommend hearing aids according to your requirement. 

During the trial period, the patient wears hearing aids in various settings and environments to evaluate their effectiveness in different listening situations. The audiologist will then make adjustments to the hearing aids as needed to ensure they provide optimal sound quality and comfort.

The most important factor when selecting a hearing aid is finding one that meets your hearing needs. If you purchase hearing aids without going through the trial period, you may not fully assess the device’s performance, comfort and features before making the purchase.

Important considerations before beginning your hearing aid trial If you’re considering a hearing aid trial, here are some important things to consider: 

Understand your type of hearing loss: Different types of hearing loss require different hearing aids to meet specific needs of patients. It’s important to have a thorough hearing assessment by a qualified audiologist to determine the type and severity of your hearing loss before starting the hearing aid trial.

Know about the different hearing aids: There are various types of hearing aids available in the market, including behind-the-ear, in-the-ear, and invisible-in-canal models. Each has its own features and benefits. Discuss your options with an audiologist to find the best fit for your needs.

Consider your lifestyle: Your lifestyle and daily activities should be taken into consideration when selecting a hearing aid. For example, if you lead an active lifestyle, you may need a hearing aid with more features. 

Communicate with your audiologist: Your audiologist can help you throughout the hearing aid trial process and ensure that you find the best hearing aid solution for your needs. Be sure to communicate openly and honestly throughout the trial period. One of the best hearing aid clinics in Kolkata has over 30+ qualified audiologists and even provides hearing aid trial at home. 

Be patient during the trial period: It may take some time to adjust to wearing hearing aids as they can initially feel uncomfortable or cause sound distortion. It’s important to give yourself time to adapt to wearing them and ask your audiologist to make any necessary adjustments as and when required.


By keeping these important considerations in mind, you can get your required hearing aids to experience improved hearing.

Patient Review 

I greet all the categories of staff of Hearing plus for their excellent behaviour, cooperation and help to all patients visiting their clinic.”

  • Bimal Bandyopadhyay
How loud is too loud? Answers audiologist of a hearing aid clinic

How loud is too loud? Answers audiologist of a hearing aid clinic

Do you know that constant exposure to noise can cause hearing loss? An audiologist of a hearing aid clinic what decibel of sound damages the ears. 

Sound is all around us, from the loud noises of traffic to the chatter of a busy restaurant. But how loud is too loud? It’s important to know the answer because prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause permanent damage to your hearing. In this blog post, we’ll get to know what level of loudness can be harmful to your hearing from an audiologist of hearing aids clinic.

Understanding what sound decibel can cause hearing issues

Sound is measured in decibels (dB), and the louder the sound, the higher is the decibel. Normal conversation sound is around 60 dB, while a rock concert can be around 110 dB. Exposure to sounds at 120 dB or higher can cause immediate hearing damage. However, it’s not just the loudness of the sound that matters but also the duration of exposure. Sounds that are too loud can cause hearing loss if you are exposed to them for a prolonged period of time.

An audiologist at a hearing aids centre in Bhubaneswar stated that sounds that are above 85 dB can cause hearing loss if you are exposed to them for a prolonged period of time. This includes sounds like traffic and music from headphones. Moreover, if you are exposed to sound above 100 dB, your hearing can be damaged very quickly. Sound at this level is equivalent to a jackhammer or a thunderclap, and it can cause immediate and permanent hearing damage.

Exposure to loud sounds can cause noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), which can be temporary or permanent. The damage accumulates over time, and the first sign is often a ringing or buzzing sound in the ears called tinnitus. 

Signs that your hearing health is at risk

If you are regularly exposed to loud sounds, there are several signs that your hearing health may be at risk. These include:

  • A constant ringing and buzzing sound in the ears 
  • Struggling to hear conversations or other sounds, even in relatively quiet environments.
  • Sound seems muffled or distorted and you have trouble understanding speech. 
  • Aloud sounds or becoming uncomfortable and irritated when exposed to them. 
  • Experiencing any pain or discomfort in your ears after exposure to loud sounds, it could be a sign of damage.

If you experience any of these signs, it’s important to see an audiologist at a hearing aids clinic as soon as possible. They will evaluate your hearing and recommend the necessary treatment.

Protect your hearing from loud noise exposure

If you want to protect your hearing from loud noise, there are several steps you can take.

  • If you are exposed to loud sounds for an extended period, take regular breaks to give your ears a rest.
  • When listening to music or watching TV, try to keep the volume at a reasonable level.
  • If you know you will be exposed to loud sounds, such as at a concert or in a noisy workplace, wear hearing protection such as earplugs or earmuffs.

Regular hearing checks with an audiologist of a hearing aid centre can help you identify any changes in your hearing.


Remember that hearing loss is preventable, so take care of your ears and avoid loud noises.

Patient Review 

“I am too satisfied with hearing plus. Each staff is very good in behaviour.

  • Paltu Shaw