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What is Hyperacusis?-Hearing Aid Expert Explains

What is Hyperacusis?-Hearing Aid Expert Explains

Hyperacusis is a condition that causes oversensitivity to particular sounds. Ordinary noises may be abnormally loud, annoying, or even painful to people who have hyperacusis.  Although there is...

Know About Hearing Protection-By Hearing Aid Expert

Know About Hearing Protection-By Hearing Aid Expert

Many individuals disregard the importance of ear protection. However, to maintain the quality of life, protecting your hearing from loud noises is critical, says an expert of the best ear machine in...

Best Ear Machine Expert Talks About ANSD In Kids

Best Ear Machine Expert Talks About ANSD In Kids

What Is Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder (ANSD)? The ear collects sounds from its surroundings and converts them into messages that the brain can understand. However, these messages can become...

Summer Activities & Hearing Aid Care

Summer Activities & Hearing Aid Care

With the arrival of summer comes a slew of new concerns. When it comes to hearing aids, one should be aware of a lot of information before exposing them to the world. They're not indestructible and...

Why Do People Choose Invisible Hearing Aids

Why Do People Choose Invisible Hearing Aids

What’s holding you back from using a hearing aid? For many people, this is because they’re “Not ready for a hearing aid yet.” They might perceive hearing loss as linked to older people (Not true!...

Does Hearing Loss Cause Depression?

Does Hearing Loss Cause Depression?

Hearing loss can have several hidden side effects, from emotional effects like depression to physical ones. Hearing loss can decrease spatial awareness and cause the brain to use more resources for...

What Causes Damage To Hearing Aid Devices?

What Causes Damage To Hearing Aid Devices?

Hearing aids are essential for many people. They help them communicate with others and in their everyday routine and activities. Because of this, keeping them in ideal condition is vital. Hearing...